5 Reasons Aerial Instructors Should be Teaching More Workshops

CaitlynAerial Workout Classes

How many workshops should aerial instructors be teaching? There are limits on what can be taught in class. When classes are segmented, this allows instructors to focus more intensely on the topic and give more attention to individuals. This is why workshops are a great opportunity. Don’t miss out! Here are five reasons to have more of them:

1. Get more exposure to attract students

Instructors know that students want to feel comfortable in class. When they are, they return. A workshop is an easy way to make students feel successful and at ease with aerial yoga or workouts. There is time for instructors to offer encouragement and special attention. Workshops allow individuals to go at their own pace instead of feeling the pressure to keep up with the class.Aerial Yoga Backbend

Clients may sign up for other types of yoga or workout classes may be hesitant to try or commit to aerial yoga. Introductory workshops are a fun way to allow interested students to try out the technique. As an example of how you might encourage a cross-over, you could do a workshop targeted to yoga or dance students using aerial techniques to assist in their back-bending ability in dance or yoga practice.

If you are lacking membership in a certain demographic, you can host workshops specifically for those categories. Similarly, you could host them for specific goals people might have. E.g., Crossfitters may be interested in it for the athleticism; while yogis may be interested for the stretch or calm it provides. As someone who does both, I wonder:

  • Can aerial workouts challenge me in new ways I haven’t been challenged?
  • Can you meditate in an aerial position?

Be creative! You can also poll students who’ve been dropping off in attendance (or everyone), as to what type of workshops they’d like. Maybe they want to work on specific body parts, or working toward a difficult position. You want to not only attract new students, but keep current students engaged so they keep coming back.

Consider a short-run series. This may go over well in a similar way.

2. Workshops bring in additional cash

Instructors who are looking to help their business financially should consider holding workshops in addition to classes. Workshops can be more profitable. It’s all in the math. You can charge more for workshops, and it’s a bigger monetary commitment. People are willing to pay more because they expect a little personal attention, and to walk away with a couple things they wouldn’t have learned in a regular class. You can make them a little longer, or double the time of a regular class.

3. Stay motivated and keep your skills sharp

When you teach the same thing day in and day out, you can lose your enthusiasm. Your attitude is transferred to your students. For their sake and yours, you want to remain upbeat, interested, and passionate about your classes.

Aerial instructors can design workshops to specifically address requests made by clients. With a focus on anatomy and physiology, it is a way to educate students on new material, or movements that need further development. In turn, you get to focus on teaching something different from a typical class that will not only keep you motivated, but keep your skills sharp.

4. Great marketing opportunities

You’ll need to spread the word about your workshops, and this gets your name out there. If you are a 1099, this may open up opportunities at other facilities for you to work out of. Plus, students talk… they share teachers they like, and to begin having a recognizable name in your community will boost your following.

Putting information out there about a one-time or series of workshops is much different than telling people about a class. Workshops allow for the opportunity to promote not only the event but your studio. The owner/coordinator at the facility you choose to have the workshop at will appreciate your taking initiative to keep things fresh, and to provide additional ways to promote the facility.

Not sure where to start? Begin with a quick internet search. Many studios across the country offer a wide variety of workshops in addition to their classes. Take some inspiration from the descriptions from other aerial instructors’ workshops. See how the ideas are relevant to your clients and mix in your unique talent. You may find many clients eager to sign up and learn more.

5. Outplay the competition

Yoga and exercise classes can be found all over town. There may even be more than one studio offering aerial classes. To set yourself apart from the competition, you need to find your niche.

One great benefit of workshops is that skill level or age group can be segmented. Segmentation allows you to teach something that is different from what other instructors may offer. For example, many studios opt to offer workshops just for women, younger clients, parents and children together for mother’s/father’s day, or couples.

Even those clients who have taken more traditional yoga classes may need special instruction with an aerial yoga class. Workshops help them surrender to gravity as it works with this practice. They can spend time learning to get into proper alignment and use the hammock correctly.

Additionally, even students who have practiced traditional yoga or workouts will likely use muscles in different ways than they have before due to gravity. Workshops provide a bridge to learning the correct way to balance and stabilize for classes where they can practice a great core workout.

Taking a chance and doing something different by hosting a workshop has a number of benefits. Deciding to move beyond classes and teaching one or two workshops can impact not only your studio, but your business overall. The possibilities are endless, so you are sure to find ways to offer something no one else in your market is. You may even draw people from farther than normal. Students will travel farther (especially on a weekend) for a unique workshop they cannot get nearby.

Be creative, challenge yourself, and increase your revenue while you are at it!